Tentacle chunks from giant squid caught by native local fishermen off the Pacific Peruvian coast, steamed and canned in the typical Galician sauce made with Spanish extra virgin olive oil, paprika and spices from certified organic agriculture.

The chunks of squid tentacles come from the big squid, “Potón del Pacífico”, a particular species of squid that abounds in the middle South American Pacific coast. It is caught by local fishermen off the Peruvian coast as a part of their traditional way of life. This coastal fisheries we partner with utilize small ships and artisanal methods, this avoid by-catch and support traditional fishing communities. The fish quality is also preserved with the result being a better tasting and quality product.

This fishery is controlled and certified by the Peruvian Fishery and Sanitary Authorities in all its production steps including processing in land and freezing.
Fish Traceability certified by Kiwa. Spanish authority for organic official control: ES-GA-ES/CRAEGA, Concello Regulador de la Producción Ecológica de Galicia. Produced under the rules of the European organic Regulation EC 834/2007 art. 23 lit.c/i.